The NSF EPSCoR Center for the Advancement of Wearable Technologies (CAWT) is accepting applications for Fall 2022 Fellowships (August to December).
Greetings to all: Thanks to your support, we won the “Public choice award” at the NSF- STEM for all video Showcase events. In this event, 267 federally funded projects participated, […]
May 15 – August 15, 2022 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: – Enrolled in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) undergraduate program in Puerto Rico.– Competitive GPA– ApplicationForm– Recommendation/endorsement letter from a […]
6 de diciembre de 2021 Con aproximadamente $20M para desarrollar infraestructura física y humana en áreas de tecnología ponible, el Centro para el Avance de Tecnología Ponible de la UPR […]
The NSF EPSCoR Center for the Advancement of Wearable Technologies (CAWT) is accepting applications for the 2021 Fall Semester Fellowships.
The CREST-Center for Innovation, Research, and Education in Environmental Nanotechnology (CIRE2N) and the Center for the Advancement of Wearable technology main goal is to contribute to the development of a […]
Cada científica tendrá un espacio de 15 minutos para presentar su historia, proyectos. Están divididas por diferentes áreas. y aparecen en el orden en el que presentaran, Es importante que […]
The basic premise of search engine reputation management is to use the following three strategies to accomplish the goal of creating a completely positive first page of search engine results for a specific term…