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// our Cawt team
Center for the Advancement of Wearable Technologies
Arturo Hernández-Madonado
UPR-MayagüezProject Director
// CAWT EOD Main Goal
Contribute to the diversity of the national
Contribute to the diversity of the national
workforce in HTI and ML.

Overall goals and strategies 1
CAWT - Advance science research towards wearable technologies.
* Strengthen existing and develop new critical science research facilities to carry out cutting-edge research in WT.
* Promote the development of interdisciplinary R&D at the Human-Technology Interface(HTI) at UPR’s research universities and 4-year colleges.
* Promote the development of interdisciplinary R&D at the Human-Technology Interface(HTI) at UPR’s research universities and 4-year colleges.

Overall goals and strategies 2
CAWT - Contribute to the diversity of the national STEM workforce.
* Introduce concepts and principles related to the HTI and Machine Learning (ML) in K-12 and University level curricula.
* Enable Hispanic students to obtain graduate degrees in fields related to the HTI and ML.
* Enable Hispanic students to obtain graduate degrees in fields related to the HTI and ML.

Overall goals and strategies 3
CAWT - Develop leadership in the field of wearable technologies.
* Partner and collaborate with national laboratories and centers, including the Georgia Institute of Technology Center for Cell Manufacturing Technologies (CMaT) and Manufacturing Institute (GTMI).
* Mentor postdocs, graduate fellows and young faculty with strategic partners.
*Establish cross-sector partnerships, including with industry.
* Mentor postdocs, graduate fellows and young faculty with strategic partners.
*Establish cross-sector partnerships, including with industry.

Overall goals and strategies 4
CAWT - Enable the Jurisdiction to attain long-term sustainability for wearable technology R&D applications.
* Mature three IRGs into internationally competitive research groups.
* Develop infrastructure to insert PR into the Big Data revolution.
* Attain research cohesiveness to partner and compete successfully for national science and engineering centers and institutes.
* Develop infrastructure to insert PR into the Big Data revolution.
* Attain research cohesiveness to partner and compete successfully for national science and engineering centers and institutes.

Overall goals and strategies 5
CAWT - Contribute to PR’s economic development by enhancing the capacity for innovation and technology transfer in wearable devices.
* Partner with the industrial sector in PR, particularly medical devices, to commercialize intellectual products from CAWT.
* Contribute to the implementation of the Jurisdiction S&T policy, particularly in the strengthening of science, technology and innovation in PR’s economic development strategy.
* Contribute to the implementation of the Jurisdiction S&T policy, particularly in the strengthening of science, technology and innovation in PR’s economic development strategy.